I just read the book “Exercised” by Daniel Lieberman (see here). It discusses the evolution of exercise, and how we have evolved to need this term and to need this idea of separate exercise in our daily lives. I found the story to insightful and educational. It really made me think.

A big takeaway I gained from it is that exercise can be medicine. It can help with mental health, which I have felt firsthand. It can help decrease your risk of chronic illness. It can slow the effects of aging and debility. It is by no means easy to do, and the book argues we are evolved to rest. But once we can become regularly active, and find ways to make it social and fun, the endorphins and “feel good” aspects of regular exercise keep us going back for more and more. If you are interested in diving into a history of exercise and an analysis of activity now compared to our ancestors, this book is one to definitely checkout.