Perseverance: You are Capable Of More Than You Think

My Second Marathon: Less Than Ideal Physical Conditions, But A Great Lesson In Perseverance

My Pittsburgh marathon experience recently was a success, and I am proud to say I finished!  I think any race finish is a success!  Unfortunately, my time was not what I had hoped (I had hoped for an improvement in time from my first marathon).  My health was challenged by an untimely bout of viral gastroenteritis (stomach  virus) the day before.  Obviously less than ideal conditions.  I am pretty sure I caught this from my cute (but full-of-germs) children, or one of my patients, or a bit of both.  The afternoon before, I recall feeling a little punky, and then slowly but steadily, became exhausted, nauseated, and became a close friend to the restroom for unnatural products from both ends.  I rested for good solid few hours that afternoon, and then slept for 12+ hours the night before.

My little runner and tumbler, one of my motivations when the going gets tough.

Facing Doubt and Learning to Push Negative Thoughts Aside

I awoke at about 40-50%, less nauseated but also unfortunately a bit behind on my fluids.  I ate nothing and had minimal fluid intake the night before, obviously not what I planned to do.  I tried to gently hydrate and ate a minimal breakfast that morning.  And I anticipated a great challenge ahead.  I had several nagging thoughts of, “well, maybe I can stay home and sit this out.”  But 3+ months of work were weighing on my mind.  So many 1-3 hour runs early in the AM 6 days a week spent pounding the pavement.  So much time spent away from other hobbies and pursuits, and away  from my family.   I used this thought of time investment as inspiration, and pushed the negative thoughts aside.  Instead, I strived to think to myself “I worked hard.  I feel okay today, not great, but okay.  I will use this as an opportunity to see how far I can push myself, safely, but I will push myself.”

It was certainly a challenge on my body and mind, but I am glad I did indeed push myself.  I did great the first hour or two, until my early morning Tylenol unfortunately wore off, and some dehydration and discomfort really settled in.   The last two and a half hours was a bit rough, but I took it 1 mile at a time.  And I am very proud to say I made it to the finish line.

I think this was a great lesson to myself on perseverance and seeing how far I can truly go.  And to not limit myself based on perceived notions of what I am capable of.  Stop listening to boundaries and restrictions, both that I set for myself, or what everyone else tells me.

I am so appreciative of my ability to push through the pain and discomfort, and finish.  My finish time wasn’t stellar (4:40:22), or what I expected (I had hoped to set a personal record by about 10-15 minutes), but given all the challenges with the preceding virus/illness, I am proud of what I did.  And proud of my grit and determination to push forward and not stop, in spite of pain and challenge.

I think going forward in my life as a mom and doctor, I feel huge  waves of confidence in what I can do.  I am not perfect, and I don’t have all the answers for my kids or my patients.  And I will never be so overconfident to say I am perfect and all knowing.  But I realize some dogged determination and perseverance can carry me through a lot in life.  By not giving up, I was able push through, improve, and reach a new level of performance and success.

An Unfortunate Injury: Forced Break and Forced Rethinking of My Health Priorities

I also unfortunately suffered a foot injury about a month after my marathon. This was probably a reflection of overtraining, not taking enough time of rest after my race, and not admitting when I need to take a break.  It took a good 4 weeks to recover.  I can tell you, I missed exercise, and missed running.  I missed having my body whole and healthy and pain free.  Just walking, climbing steps, and jumping would elicit a bit of pain.  I missed my solo runs, as this was my time of reflection, my “me” time away from others.  As an introvert, I realize some solo time is crucial for recovery and rejuvenation.  Though I’d hate to admit it, the time away from running was also good for me.  I gained more time with my family.  I was able to fully heal my body. And crucially, I gained more time to sleep.   I am realizing I need to guard my sleep time and stop depriving myself so much.

I read a great book, Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker a couple of months ago, and I highly recommend this comprehensive review of what sleep is, why it is vital, and how to use it to our advantage.  This book, coupled with my injury and forced break from early morning runs, made me rethink my routine and how I was treating my body and my health.   Sleep is crucial.  It is not for idleness.  It is not for lazy people.  It helps your mind and body recover.  It helps solidify learning and healing.   It improves your immunity.  It improves your vitality and creativity.   The book goes into great detail, but those are some wonderful takeaways I gained from my study of the book.    The book also discusses dreams, insomnia, and why typical insomnia treatment with sleeping pills is not always ideal.  I found it a very interesting read, very detailed and very scientific.

Return to Running, But Learning Balance

I have returned to running this past week.  I craved the activity and ability to get my heart rate up.  My foot hurt slightly but fortunately has gotten stronger and less bothersome as activity is ramping up.   I am learning to adapt my schedule and change things around.  I have tried running later in the day at times, so I can protect my sleep time.  I am unfortunately quite a bit of shape, but I know I can regain my ability.  And given my persistence and success with my “less than ideal” second marathon, I know I can push myself further than I think.  I am learning to look at boundaries and limits, everywhere in life, and analyzing them to see if I can knock them down creatively but aggressively.

Growth Mindset, Thinking of How Many Blessings I Truly Have

I am eager to continue to grow, reinvent myself, and make myself better.  (If you haven’t read anything about a Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset, I encourage you to do so.   This is great way to look at the psychology of growth.  One great resource is here.)  I hope I can continue to set an example for my family and my kids.

During my run, I used Aaptiv (a great way to have a trainer in your ear during your workout, breaks up the monotony!), and the trainer described a great way to overcome a desire to stop. And that is: think of someone who can’t exercise.  Run for them.  Exercise for them.  Persist because of them.  Keep running and don’t stop, for they cannot do what you are doing.   I felt like my run was more like a prayer and meditation in their honor.  I found this truly inspiring and a great way to keep going.  And I plan to carry this forward to everything in life, I think that is a great lesson that translates everywhere.

There is so much to be grateful for in life that I often take for granted.  I am healthy.  I have a beautiful, loving family.  I have a roof over my head.  A stable career.   Free time to pursue my passions and hobbies.  I am able to continue to grow and improve.  I have way more to appreciate and think positively about, and a lot less I should complain about and dwell negatively upon.

My family: my priority in life. 2 of 3 smiling faces ain’t bad. (I don’t envy the hard working photographers out there. Getting the “perfect shot” is pretty darn hard!)

Perseverance and Gratitude: Tools for Success and Ways to Battle Pessimism

Positivity and gratitude, I believe, will carry me forward in the future.  I know more challenges and set backs will come up, in my running, in my career, and in my family.  But I will think about my successes in the past, particularly my success in pushing through a painful, uncomfortable, imperfect marathon situation.

I will keep those lessons with me, and they will fuel me with inspiration and hope.  And I will think of all of those I encounter, particularly in my life as a physician, who are so gracious and open to share their own challenges, with their personal lives and with their health.  I think this will help reframe my pessimism.  Instead of dwelling on all I do not have, I will work on focusing on my blessings and all the wonderful things I do possess.

26.2 Miles Is A Long Way to Run!

My First Marathon is in the Books!

I completed my first marathon in Columbus, Ohio on October 15, 2017!  I feel blessed and fulfilled with my accomplishment.  I finished in 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 3 seconds. My goal was to finish at 4 hours and 30 minutes, so right in line my goal!  The weather was warm and humid, but only a brief several minute drizzle  late in the race.

The starting line. I was in the last Corral of the race – waiting at the back of the pack for my chance to start!

My months of training served me well, not only in my physical stamina but also in conquering my mental game as well.  26.2 miles is a long time to be inside of your head.  The first 13.1 miles was crowded with half-marathoners, thousands of welcome distractions from my discomfort.

The second half was much less crowded, and was truly a mental challenge, not just for my increasing pain and fatigue but also questioning my goal and my ability to carry out the race.  Due to challenges of working full time and fitting in training for a marathon, I had only completed a 17 mile long run in my training.

Can you feel the race day excitement?

As I got past the 17 mile marker, I rejoiced at my success but also wondered if I could make it 9 more miles to the finish line.  I concentrated my energy on pushing these negative thoughts aside.  I consciously replaced these thoughts with the reminder the cumulative fatigue I had endured with my training.  I would repeat to myself “You’re good.  You’ve got this.”  (Sometimes I would whisper it to myself as well.)   The 50-60+miles of running a week increased my endurance and ability to withstand the challenge. The crowds of fans and volunteers were also amazing and full of positive talk to keep me going.

My Number One Fan

My husband was the most wonderful support for me during the race.  He was my companion and chauffeur, and my #1 cheerleader. But more importantly, he was supportive and understanding during my hours of training for the 5 months leading up to the race.  Running 40-50+ miles a week takes a lot of time and commitment for the athlete, but is also trying to the athlete’s loved ones.  Several hours spent running means less time for your loved ones and other pursuits.  My husband’s support behind the scenes was invaluable and necessary for my success with my running hobby.

Enjoying my pre-race dinner with my husband, Matt. Yummy Adriatico’s meal. Nothing beats a fresh sicilian style pizza!

Rest and Recovery

I am currently in my 2 week period of rest and recovery, with a leisurely and enjoyable return to running.  I am catching up on much needed sleep and quality time with my family.  I am reminiscing about the hours I devoted to not just the race itself but also the 20 weeks leading up to the race.   I am so happy that my first marathon experience was a success!

My two beautiful children – two smiling reminders of why my life is full of joy and happiness!

My next running goal will be this spring: The Pittsburgh Marathon on May 6, 2018!

7 Cool Running Products to Try

My Favorite Running Gear

A good pair of running shoes and comfortable clothes are necessary to  succeed at running.  I have found seven other “nice to have” items to make your runs even better.

In the last year of training, I have ramped up my running slowly and steadily.  At first, I was running a mile 3-4 times a week and huffing and puffing. Now, I am averaging 50 miles+ week, and feeling confident and proud of my progress.   I spent the first 5-6 months training for my first half marathon, and the last 5-6 months were devoted to training for my first marathon.  (My Columbus marathon is coming up very soon, on October 15!)

My happy family, supporting me through my long training months!

The 7 running gadgets and tools below have been very helpful and valuable.  These are the ones I use daily and truly love!  I have sequenced these from least complicated/least expensive to  those products that are more pricey, but (in my humble opinion) worth the higher price tag.

  1. Body Glide
  2. Running Vest
  3. Buddy Pouch
  4. Milestone Pod
  5. Road ID
  6. Run Angel
  7. FitBit

1 Body Glide

A must for long runs, particularly if you have areas that chafe and rub.   Go for a long run on a hot day, and you will know which areas apply to you.  Body Glide is pretty affordable and worth the investment-  I buy mine on Amazon for about $10-$15.

2 Running Vest

This is a must to stay visible if you run in early AM or late evening, when the lighting is not ideal and you are less visible to drivers.    They come in various designs and colors.  My running vest cost me about $15 on Amazon.

When the lighting is minimal or nonexistent outside, preserve your visibility with a bright vest!

3 Buddy Pouch

I have tried the arm bands and the fashionable “fanny packs.”  I don’t like how the arm bands rub on my arms and when I am wearing wired headphones, it can be awkward. The fanny packs also rub and slide, and bounce when I run.  This Buddy Pouch, however, is really sleek and attaches to the waist of your pants with magnets.  If you have contraindications to a magnet (e.g. pacer/defibrillator) this is  not an option. Otherwise, though, if this does not exclude you, I think this is a well designed and reasonably priced product. It comes in several sizes.  I got an extra large sized Buddy Pouch (big enough to hold my phone, snacks and keys) for about $25 on Amazon.

My daughter’s not-so-tiny pumpkin buddy. The Running Buddy is much sleeker and more user friendly than this!

4 Milestone Pod

This is a really neat device to analyze your running metrics. It attaches to the laces of your shoes, and tracks your gait and the miles you have run.  There are other products out there that do similar work, but I like this one for its low cost and usable app interface.  I have not tried the other products out there, but I think this product, is worth the cost to give a go.  The Milestone Pod costs approximately $30 (on Amazon).  (You may see running theme here with my recommendations.   I admit – I am an Amazon Prime addict).

I have definitely seen an improvement in my stamina and comfort levels with running as I have used this product.  By analyzing things such as my cadence, stride length, and ground contact, I have steadily altered my running style for the better. I run more upright, with quicker, shorter steps.  This is not only more efficient, but more comfortable and more sustainable, allowing me for longer, happier runs.

Smiles all around!  I feel equally happy after an efficient, strong run, thanks to my Milestone Pod!


I bought this later on in my training after worrying more and more about my safety and “what if” I had an accident or became unable to speak for myself.  I decided to a buy a product that fits right on my FitBit band. It lists my name, birth year, and contact info for my husband.  Not only does it give me some confidence running, it also gives my husband some peace of mind.  There is also an option for an extra subscription for a tracking app .  This extra tracking feature allows me to send an alert to my husband about where I am running and how long I will be out.  It also will send an alert to my husband if I am stationary for longer than 5 minutes. My RoadiD was about $30, and arrived in about 2 weeks.

6 Run Angel

I bought this product  after reading online accounts of others who have been taunted or assaulted while running alone.  I prefer to run alone, mainly for convenience of my schedule and I like to be alone with my thoughts while I run.  The Run Angel is a wrist band with a loud 120dB alarm that is triggered by me pushing a button.  Once I trigger this alarm, it will also alert my “angel” (my husband, in my case) that I am in danger.  It was a bit pricey, shipping from the company which is based in Ireland.  There is an offer for 15% off of your first order if you provide your email.  It cost me about $100.  I think this is a worthy investment for some peace of mind.

7 FitBit

My husband bought my Charge 2 for me about a year and half ago, and I wear it daily. I had a FitBit Flex a few years ago, but I prefer the Charge 2 due to a bigger display and more tracking options.  I like how it tracks not only my steps and miles, but also the elevation I have climbed per day, measured in flights of steps.  The app is user friendly and offers options to follow and compete with your friends.  This is one more way to keep you disciplined and motivated in your exercise and training. My Charge 2 currently retails for about $150.

Happiness as a kid is…jumping on a trampoline, without a care in the world!   My FitBit gives me fitness data daily which makes me happy as well – not quite as happy as these little ones, but as happy and satisfied as can adult can be.

A Few of My Favorite Things

These are a few of my favorite running things.  Now, of course, you should invest in a pair of comfortable, reliable shoes and comfortable breathing running clothes to start with.  But these additional “nice to have” accessories are my personal favorites that have made my runs more comfortable and fun.

Brisker weather on the Boardwalk with my favorite people.


Why I Run, and Why You Should Exercise, Too

The Start of My Love Affair with Running

I have gravitated toward distance running since high school.  I played soccer and also joined my high school track team, opting for the longer 3200 kilometer race.  My tendency toward endurance sports likely means my body has more “slow twitch” fibers. Or perhaps I have a penchant for long, grueling processes.  Whatever the case, I continued to run both in high school, and afterward.

Later, in college, I joined Naval ROTC, where running was a key part of “PT” (physical training) sessions and a component of the physical fitness test.  I loved how much I improved with regular training exercises with my battalion. I also am a perfectionist and a habitual practicer, so I would run on the side to improve my performance at the PT sessions. This, of course, improved my physical fitness even further, and led me to further enjoy running.

Falling off of the Wagon, i.e. my Time Away from Running

My little nugget of Turkey energy, Madelyn, around 15 months of age. In the time period between my daughter’s birth and my son’s birth, I felt progressive fatigue. Kind of like I had just eaten a large Thanksgiving dinner, suffering the hangover effects of Tryptophan!

As I transitioned to medical school and then residency, busy life took over.  I blamed my degree of stress and overwork on why I fell off of my beloved hobby.  However, as I have mentioned in other posts, I now realize I was also suffering from Graves Disease, which caused exercise intolerance, shortness of breath upon exertion, and palpitations.  I was unaware of this, thinking I was simply “lazy” and busy, and blamed the symptoms on poor conditioning and lack of willpower.

My Return to Running, with a Vengeance

Fast forward  to the time of my Graves Disease diagnosis. Once the diagnosis was made, I realized my fatigue had a secondary cause.  My mind was blown.  And also, my confidence grew.  I resumed running here and there.  And then, to hold myself accountable, I made a “New Years Resolution” to run the Pittsburgh Half Marathon. The longest I had run to that point was probably in the ballpark of 3-5 miles.  I was nervous but also excited to challenge myself, and see how far I could go.

I carried out the training dutifully, finding a free beginners training plan online. I entered the workouts into my calendar, and tried to juggle these around my already busy life.  The first couple of weeks were pretty rough, I will not lie.  I admit I was embarrassingly out of shape.  But I persevered, primarily because I had set a goal. I had also registered for the race furthering my commitment.   Internally, as well, I did not want to shortchange myself – I wanted to know if I could do it, and do it right!

I finished my first half marathon at age 35 in 2:23.  Not too bad for my beginner-level training and several years of couch potatoed-ness preceding this!

A couple of days after finishing, I was incredibly sore. I got Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness with a vengeance, mainly because I did not train on hills leading up to this hilly race.  I did not incorporate any strength training into my Half Marathon training.  I also ran faster in the race than I had been training (the adrenaline made me do it!).  However, mentally, I was buoyed and very proud of my accomplishment.

About 2 days after my race ended, I was motivated to next take on a marathon.  I logged on that day to the Columbus Marathon website 2 days after the marathon, still sore and recovering, and (wisely or unwisely) registered myself for my first marathon..

I have been training for this marathon now for 3 months. I have a little less than 2 months to go before my race date.  The training is grueling and time consuming.  I will admit it is not all gumdrops and rainbows.  I have good days, and bad days!  I have also begun more strength training this time around, as I have read several books and articles highlighting why it is important to be a well rounded athlete.

I admit I neglected strength training altogether with my Half Marathon training, as I am busy and like to cut corners where I can.  But incorporating about 10 minutes/day of body weight strength training most days of the week has improved my health, my sense of accomplishment, and my physical fitness.  I think my physique has also improved.  All of those smart trainers and exercise physiologists are correct – it pays off to be well rounded!

Thought the training is hard at times, I have come to look forward to my runs.  I have also opted to move my runs to the morning. This ensures I get the workout done. I also feel accomplished and more productive early on in my day.  The runs are a time for me to focus on me.  I push my body with my harder runs, and let my subconscious take over with my easier runs. It is cathartic, a form of mindfulness and meditation for me nearly every day.

My husband, Matt, and son, Luca, two of the reasons that I want to keep fit and healthy each and every day!

Why Should You Exercise?

Now, I realize not everyone enjoys running.  But I think there is something everyone’s body is inclined to doing, be it walking, swimming, cycling, etc.   I challenge you to start doing this regularly, for example, 4-5x/week for 10 minutes a session at first.  Pencil it in (electronically or physically) into your calendar. This will hold you accountable. You will feel guilty ignoring the event, or worse, scratching it off or deleting it.  I also encourage you to consider working out in the morning.  As I have mentioned, it gets the workout over and done.  Also, your mind will be stimulated by the physical activity so early on in the day.  I suspect you will perform better and be happier with the rest of your work and life activities later that day.

My daughter, Madelyn, one of the beautiful reasons I live a happy, fulfilled life!

Most importantly of all, exercising regularly not only helps your mental health, it also improves your physical health. You will have lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.  With the rising overweight and obesity epidemic in our society, I think these are all unfortunately becoming too commonplace in my day to day practice as a family physician.  Please do your darnedest to avoid these diseases!   It is so much better to avoid the diseases altogether, than to try to treat them once they are present.  Part of your risks come from genetics, age, and sex, which I realize are not changeable.  However, your physical activity and exercise habits are something you CAN change.  Please do so!