A New Year – 2025

A new year is upon us. 2025 is here!

I find a new year is great time to look back on what I have accomplished so far in my life and in the past year.  Also, I think a new year is a time of new beginnings.  I strive to be just a bit better each week, each month, and each year.  And a new year is a good time to refresh and rethink where I am now, and where I would like to be.

One of my focuses this year will be more frequent blogging and more frequent journaling. I admit I was not the most regular with both blogging and journaling that in 2024.  As I journal, I plan to include a section of my weekly accomplishments, and getting to check any goals I have achieved.  As a part of journaling, I also want to continue to work on practicing gratitude regularly.

My other goal for the year is to drink more water.  I love my morning coffee. But I know this is no substitute for plenty of water throughout my day.  I will start with  goal of 40 oz/day.  And I will build up from there.

One accomplishment I am proud of is my exercise habit.  And I hope to continue to stay active.  I have created a deeply ingrained habit of running several times per week, about 3-5 times per week on average now.  And I hope to continue this.  I don’t have a spring race set up yet.  But I plan to arrange that soon. Having a race on the horizon helps me map out a focused training plan, and it keeps me motivated.

Another thing I have cultivated in 2024 is strength training.  I am doing this now about 1-2 times per week.  I will strive to continue this in 2025.  I am currently finding short 20 minute functional training workouts to be perfect for me.  They are short enough I can fit them into my day. And I like that the functional workouts help improve my strength and motion in activities I do each day, like putting away dishes and laundry, picking up heavier objects, and the like.

I am sure  I will find plenty of other things to improve on as the year goes on.  But I think this handful habits is a good starting point,a collection of both new habits to start and improve on, and some good old habits I want to continue.  I think this short list will keep me plenty occupied and challenged this year. Here’s to ongoing improvement and small wins each and every day!


Exercise as Medicine

I just read the book “Exercised” by Daniel Lieberman (see here). It discusses the evolution of exercise, and how we have evolved to need this term and to need this idea of separate exercise in our daily lives. I found the story to insightful and educational. It really made me think.

Exercise makes this girl happy.

A big takeaway I gained from it is that exercise can be medicine.  It can help with mental health, which I have felt firsthand.  It can help decrease your risk of chronic illness.  It can slow the effects of aging and debility.  It is by no means easy to do, and the book argues we are evolved to rest.  But once we can become regularly active, and find ways to make it social and fun, the endorphins and “feel good” aspects of regular exercise keep us going back for more and more.  If you are interested in diving into a history of exercise and an analysis of activity now compared to our ancestors, this book is one to definitely checkout.