I think it is easy to get fixated on the final end goal. However, I think I have learned in my running training, and in life in general, that it is so motivating to break down a big goal into smaller mini-goals. For example, with running, when I am feeling exhausted and over a tough hill, I push myself to a small goal in front of me, for example a mailbox, or a crack in the side walk. That way, instead of being overwhelmed with how much farther the top of the hill is, I am able to make it to the next goal post. And then, once a reach that, I feel motivated and move on to the next goal post. This has helped me during my training runs and on my race days.

My student loan payoff is a huge goal in my life. It is taking many years but as I get closer to the finish line, I am feeling more motivation. The huge balance at graduation was daunting and depressing. But I am now below the 75K mark! I am at the 71K to be exact. My next mini goal I will celebrate will be when I get below the 50K mark. This has been a long time goal, now at 8 years out from graduating from medical school, and just under 5 years from graduating from residency. But the end is in sight. I think again setting these short mini goals is helping keep me motivated.

I am trying to teach this idea of breaking down a big goal to smaller goals to my daughter. I told her about my mailbox method the other day when I took her for a mini run with me. I also try to teach her to celebrate small wins along her journey, when she is demotivated by how long something is taking to accomplish. It is easy to look forward all the time. But I see value in enjoying the present, living in the moment. It is also valuable to learn from the past – looking back on the past is a good exercise, teaching me to evaluate the progress I have made.